Newsletter terms & conditions

Terms and conditions of the newsletter

Dear Subscriber, User!

With the aim of correct and lawful functioning of our Newsletter, we present to you the Regulations of Newsletter and delivery of certain Materials in exchange for subscription.


These Regulations apply to the newsletter sent by BTO SP. Z O.O. with registered office in Łódź, Fabryczna 25 Street, 90-341 Łódź, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, kept by the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście, XX Economic Department of the National Court Register, under KRS:0000215719, share capital: PLN 52,500.00 fully paid up, NIP: 7261016110, REGON: 471060840;, BDO: 000003043.


Administrator - BTO SP. Z O.O. with its registered office in Łódź, 25 Fabryczna Street, 90-341 Łódź, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, kept by the District Court for Łódź-Centre, XX Economic Division of the National Court Register, under KRS:0000215719, share capital: PLN 52,500.00 fully paid up, NIP: 7261016110, REGON: 471060840;, BDO: 000003043.

User - any person subscribing to the Newsletter or using the Administrator's Materials for a fee. The User is both a Consumer - a natural person concluding an agreement with the Administrator for the Newsletter or purchase of Materials within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, Entrepreneur - a natural person, legal person and organizational unit not being a legal person, to which a separate act grants legal capacity, performing business activity in its own name, who uses the Newsletter or Materials, Entrepreneur on the rights of a consumer - concluding an agreement with the Administrator, which is related to his/her business activity, but which is not of a professional nature for an entrepreneur.

Regulations - these Regulations of the Newsletter.

Newsletter- electronic messages containing information about blog products, services, Administrator's products, recommended links, promotions and other information that the Administrator deems valuable to the User.  

Materials - digital content provided to Users in exchange for subscription to the Newsletter or for a fee. These include educational content. 


  1. For proper use of the Newsletter it is necessary for the User to have:
  • Internet access,
  • a properly working web browser or webmail program,
  • a valid e-mail address.


  1. In order to use the Newsletter service, the User is required to provide true data (e-mail address).
  2. The Administrator provides the Newsletter service free of charge, however, if the User is interested in receiving Materials provided within the Newsletter for a fee - without providing his/her data, he/she should contact the Administrator at: in order to determine the details of the purchase.
  3. From the moment of activation of the activation link received by the User, or in the case of conclusion of the contract (applies to paid access), the contract for the provision of the Materials access service is concluded.
  4. Before using the Newsletter, the User should familiarize himself with the rules of personal data protection, which are contained in the Privacy Policy available here Privacy Policy
  5. It is possible to conclude a Newsletter agreement at any time by filling out the active Newsletter forms existing on the site.
  6. In order to provide the Newsletter service, the Administrator will process the email address and first name provided by the User in the subscription form.
  7. In order to use the Newsletter service, the User is required to:
    • fill out the Newsletter form, then click on the sign-up confirmation button, receive an electronic message sent to the provided e-mail address with an activation link, confirm the desire to sign up by clicking on the appropriate place indicated in the e-mail - activation link (so-called double opt-in)
    • consent to the processing of personal data by the Administrator for the purpose of sending the Newsletter, which may contain information about blog products, services, commercial and marketing information, recommended links, promotions and other information that the Administrator deems valuable to the User, which is in accordance with the purpose (sending the newsletter) or results from the Administrator's legitimate interest.
  8. The above consents are voluntary, however, necessary for the Newsletter service.
  9. The above consents may be withdrawn at any time, which will result in discontinuation of the Newsletter service.
  10. The Newsletter service will be provided for an indefinite period of time, from the moment of activation of the activation link received by the User.
  11. The contract for the provision of the service of access to Materials will be provided until unsubscribing from the Newsletter or withdrawing from the contract.
  12. The User who is a Consumer or Entrepreneur on the rights of a Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of the service of access to Materials within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, without giving any reason, by sending a statement to the Administrator at 
  13. The User is entitled to terminate the Newsletter agreement at any time by unsubscribing from the Administrator's list of subscribers. He/she may do it in a way convenient for him/her, e.g. by contacting the Administrator at:



  1. The Administrator is responsible for providing the Newsletter Materials and paid Materials in accordance with the contract. Otherwise, a User who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur on the rights of a Consumer may demand to bring them into conformity with the contract.
  2. The Administrator may refuse to bring the Materials into conformity with the contract if this is impossible or would require excessive costs for the Administrator.
  3. In assessing the excessive cost to the Administrator, all circumstances of the case shall be taken into account, in particular the significance of the non-compliance of the Materials with the contract and their value if they were in compliance with the contract.
  4. The Administrator shall bring the Materials into conformity with the contract within a reasonable time from the moment the Administrator is informed by a User who is a Consumer or Entrepreneur on the rights of a Consumer of the non-conformity with the contract, and without undue inconvenience to such User, taking into account their nature and the purpose for which they are used. The costs related thereto shall be borne by the Administrator.
  5. If the Materials are not in conformity with the contract, a User who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur on the rights of a Consumer may submit a statement of price reduction or withdrawal from the contract when:
    • bringing the Materials into conformity with the contract is impossible or requires excessive costs,
    • Administrator has not brought the Materials into conformity with the contract ,
    • the lack of compliance of the Materials with the contract continues, despite the fact that the Administrator tried to bring the Materials into compliance with the contract,
    • the lack of compliance of the Materials with the contract is so significant that it justifies a reduction in price or withdrawal from the contract,
    • it is clear from the Administrator's statement or circumstances that he will not bring the Materials into conformity with the contract within a reasonable time or without undue inconvenience.
  6. A User who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur on the rights of a Consumer may not withdraw from the contract if the Materials are provided in exchange for payment of the price, and the lack of conformity with the contract is insignificant.
  7. If the User files a complaint, the Administrator will respond to it within 14 working days by sending a response by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the User.
  8. All the User's rights related to the complaint and withdrawal from the contract are described in the Law on Consumer Rights.


All content and Materials sent in connection with the use of the Newsletter are protected by copyright. They may not be shared, reproduced, used for public or commercial purposes without the written consent of the Administrator.


  1. The Administrator reserves, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the right to make changes and modifications to these Terms and Conditions for important reasons related to the technical or substantive aspect of the Newsletter's functioning, including in particular changes in applicable law. The new Regulations shall come into force as of the date of publication on the Administrator's website.
  2. Agreements entered into prior to the amendment of the Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the version of the Terms and Conditions in effect on the date of entering into the Agreement.
  3. Settlement of possible disputes between the Administrator and the Consumer, shall be submitted to the competent courts in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.
  4. Settlement of any disputes between the Administrator and an Entrepreneur, who is not a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, is submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the Administrator's seat.
  5. The Consumer has the opportunity to use out-of-court means of processing complaints and pursuing claims. Among other things, the Consumer has the possibility to:
    • to apply to a permanent amicable consumer court with a request to resolve a dispute arising from the concluded agreement,
    • turn to the provincial inspector of the Commercial Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings for the amicable settlement of a dispute between the Customer and the Administrator,
    • use, free of charge, the assistance of a district (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (such as the Federation of Consumers, the Association of Polish Consumers).
  6. Consumers can also use the ODR platform, which is available at The platform is used to resolve disputes between consumers and businesses seeking out-of-court settlement of disputes regarding contractual obligations arising from an online sales contract or service contract.
  7. The rules regarding data processing are described in the Privacy Policy.
  8. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply.

These Regulations are effective as of 01.01.2023.

No previous versions.